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Soka Education: Books
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Books by Makiguchi and Toda
Books by Tsunesaburo Makiguchi
Books by Josei Toda
Books by Ikeda: Original in Japanese
Kanpon wakaki hi no dokusho 完本若き日の読書
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 K35 2023
Kibō no sōsei : chiiki no mirai o hiraku chie : zuihitsu 希望の創生 : 地域の未来を拓く智慧 : 随筆
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 K42 2016
Arata na gurōbaru shakai no shihyō : heiwa to keizai to kyōiku o kataru 新たなグローバル社会の指標 : 平和と経済と教育を語る
Daisaku Ikeda and Lawrence Lau Juen-yee 劉遵義 ; 池田大作
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 R87 2015
Waga kyōikusha ni okuru : ikeda meiyo kaichō no shishin わが教育者に贈る : 池田名誉会長の指針
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 W34 2015
Ningen kyōiku eno atarashiki chōryū : dyūi to sōka kyōiku 人間教育への新しき潮流 : デューイと創価教育
Daisaku Ikeda, Jim Garrison, and Larry Hickman 池田大作, ジム・ガリソン, ラリー・ヒックマン
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 N56 2014
Mirai taiwa : kimi to ayumu shōri no michi 未来対話 : 君と步む勝利の道
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 M58 2014
Kibō no ōzora e : waga aisuru ōji ōjo ni okuru 希望の大空へ : わが愛する王子王女に贈る
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 K42 2014
Kibō no kyōiku heiwa no kōshin : kingu hakushi no yume to tomo ni 希望の教育平和の行進 : キング博士の夢とともに
Daisaku Ikeda and Vincent Harding 池田大作, ビンセント・ハーディング
Call Number: E185.615 .H279 2013
Asu no sekai kyōiku no shimei : nijūisseiki no ningen o kōsatsusuru 明日の世界 教育の使命 : 二十一世紀の人間を考察する
Daisaku Ikeda and Viktor Antonovich 池田大作, ヴィクトル・A.サドーヴニチィ
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 S34 2013
Heiwa no kakehashi: ningen kyōiku o kataru 平和の架け橋: 人間教育を語る
Daisaku Ikeda and Mingyuan Gu 池田大作, 顧明遠
Call Number: LB880.I36 H45 2012
Sōritsusha to tomo ni : tokubetsu bunka kouza, Chouhen shi, Zuihitsu hen 創立者とともに : 特別文化講座・長編詩・随筆編
Call Number: LG275.T67 I38 2012
Kyōiku no seiki e : oya to kyōshi ni okuru messēji 教育の世紀へ : 親と教師に贈るメッセージ
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: LB880.I36 K96 2011
Heiwa no ashita e kyōiku no taikō : ukuraina to nippon no yūjō 平和の朝へ教育の大光 : ウクライナと日本の友情
Daisaku Ikeda and Mykhai l Zakharovych Zgurovskyi 池田大作, ミハイル・ズグロフスキー
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 H35 2011
Kyōiku to bunka no ōdō 教育と文化の王道
Daisaku Ikeda and Jinghu Zhang 池田大作, 張鏡湖
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 K87 2010
Ikeda daisaku meigen hyakusen 池田大作名言100選
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 I38 2010
Asu o tsukuru "kyōiku no seigyō": Denmāku to Nihon yūjō no katarai 明日をつくる"教育の聖業": デンマークと日本友情の語らい
Daisaku Ikeda and Hans Henningsen 池田大作, ハンス・ヘニングセン
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 H36 2009
Gaku ha hikari: bunmei to kyoiku no mirai o kataru 学は光: 文明と教育の未来を語る
Daisaku Ikeda and V. A Sadovnichy 池田大作, ヴィクトル, A.サドーヴニチィ
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 G35 2005
Kibō no seiki e : kyōiku no hikari 希望の世紀へ : 教育の光
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: LB880.I36 K53 2004
"Kyoiku no seiki" e「敎育の世紀」へ
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: LB880.I36 K96 2003
Atarashiki jinrui o atarashiki sekai o: kȳoiku to shakai o kataru 新しき人類を 新しき世界を: 敎育と社会を語る
Daisaku Ikeda and V. A Sadovnichy 池田大作, V.A. サド-ビニチィ
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 A83 2002
Haha to ko no seiki: sekai no tomo to kyōiku wo kataru 母と子の世紀: 世界の友と敎育を語る
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: PL853.K33 .H34 2001
Kodomo no sekai: seishounen ni okuru tetsugaku 子どもの世界: 青少年に贈る哲学
Daisaku Ikeda and Albert Likahanov 池田大作, A リハーノフ
Call Number: B105.C45 I38 1999
Zoku, sōritsusha to tomoni 続・創立者とともに
Daisaku Ikeda
Call Number: LG275.T67 I38 1998
Nijūisseiki no kȳoiku to ningen o kataru 21世紀の敎育と人間を語る
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: LB880.I36 N55 1997
21-seiki bunmei to Daijō Bukkyō: kaigai shodaigaku kōenshū 21世紀文明と大乘仏教: 海外諸大学講演集
Call Number: BQ7386 .I54 1996
Yoshikawa Eiji : hito to sekai 吉川英治 : 人と世界
Call Number: PL842.O75 Z6 1989
Watakushi no ningengaku 私の人間学
Call Number: BJ1595 .I44 1988 v.1 and v.2
Sōritsusha no katarai 創立者の語らい
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: LA1318 .S67 1985
Sōritsusha to tomo ni 創立者とともに
Daisaku Ikeda 池田大作
Call Number: LG275.T67 I38 1982
Ikeda Daisaku shugyoku shū 池田大作珠玉集
Call Number: BQ8449 .I382 1981
Watakushi no rirekisho 私の履歷書
Call Number: BQ8449.I387 A38 1978
Books by Ikeda: Translated
The Light of Learning: Daisaku Ikeda on Education
Call Number: LB880 .I36 2021
Ikeda, Daisaku.
The Light of Learning: Daisaku Ikeda on Education
. Santa Monica: Middleway Press, 2021.
Dear Global Citizens, 20th anniversary edition: Founder's Remarks
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 D32 2021
A New Way Forward: US University Lectures
Call Number: eBook & BJ1289 .I384 2020
Ikeda, Daisaku.
A New Way Forward : US University Lectures
. Santa Monica: Middleway Press, 2020.
Shaping a New Society: Conversations on Economics, Education, and Peace
Daisaku Ikeda, Lawrence Lau
Call Number: HD82 .L289 2017
Messages from the founder Daisaku Ikeda : selected messages from the founder of Soka University of America
Daisaku Ikeda, edited by Soka University of America Graduate School Alumni Association Soseikai
Call Number: LB3620 .I384 2016
To the Youthful Pioneers of Soka: Lectures, Essays and Poems on Value-Creating Education
Call Number: LG271.H3 I34 2015
Ikeda, Daisaku.
To the Youthful Pioneers of Soka : Lectures, Essays and Poems on Value-Creating Education.
New Delhi: Eternal Ganges, 2006.
Living As Learning: John Dewey in the 21st century
Call Number: B945.D44 G3713 2014
Garrison, James W, Larry A Hickman, and Daisaku Ikeda.
Living As Learning: John Dewey in the 21st Century.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Dialogue Path Press, 2014.
Soka Education: for the Happiness of the Individual
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 S65 2010
Ikeda, Daisaku.
Soka Education: For the Happiness of the Individual.
Santa Monica: Middleway Press, 2010.
A New Humanism: The University Addresses of Daisaku Ikeda
Call Number: BQ4570.H8 I3713 2010
Ikeda, Daisaku.
A New Humanism : The University Addresses of Daisaku Ikeda.
New York: Weatherhill, 1996.
Discussions on Youth: For the Leaders of the Future
Call Number: BJ1668.J3 I384 2010
Ikeda, Daisaku.
Discussions on Youth: For the Leaders of the Future.
Santa Monica: World Tribune, 2010.
For the leaders of the 21 century : founder's memorable remarks
Daisaku Ikeda; edited by Soka University of America Soka Student Government Association (SSGA)
Call Number: LB3620 .I54 2005
One by One: The World is Yours to Change
Call Number: JZ5538 .I34 2004
Ikeda, Daisaku.
One by One: The World is Yours to Change.
Sonoma, CA: Dunhill Publishing, 2004.
The World is Yours to Change
Call Number: BJ1668.J3 I3433 2002
Ikeda, Daisaku.
The World is Yours to Change
. Tokyo: Asahi Shuppansha, 2002.
Soka Education: A Buddhist Vision for Teachers, Students, and Parents
Call Number: LB880.I36 A3 2001 and ebook
Ikeda, Daisaku.
Soka Education: A Buddhist Vision for Teachers, Students, and Parents.
Santa Monica, CA: Middleway Press, 2001.
The tide toward the 21st century : addresses by Founder Daisaku Ikeda
Soka University Student International Center (Editor)
Call Number: BQ8449.I384 T5 1975
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