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Book Discussions: Not Just a #Hashtag: October 2020: How to be an Antiracist

Discussion Questions

Suggested questions to facilitate the group discussion

  1. We explore taking accountability for our own racist thinking in this book. How does Kendi's approach to honesty and self-reflection help with acknowledging our own racist behaviors and attitudes?
  1. How can we engage and empathize with others to examine our belief systems and take action to reach a society where we value humanity over self-interest and power? 
  1. Kendi believes we can defy the odds, heal society of racism, and create an antiracist society. Do you? He writes, "My research in the history of racism and antiracism revealed that scholars, policy experts, journalists, and advocates had been crucial in successfully replacing racist policy with antiracist policy." What steps can you take to interrogate and examine racist policies?  
  1. What could an antiracist Diversity Equity & Inclusion program/policy look like? How can we as individuals proactively contribute to the development of such programs/policies?

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