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Book Discussions: Not Just a #Hashtag: March 2021: The Displaced

The Displaced


  1. Your name & role at SUA (class/department)
  2. What made you interested in this book discussion? OR What do you hope to gain from today’s and future discussions?

Suggested questions to facilitate the group discussion

  1. Which story resonated with you the most? Does anyone have personal refugee stories you would be willing to share?
  2. How did these stories reveal the various conflicts and challenges the refugees face?
  3. What are your thoughts on the vision shared by Viet Thanh Nguyen “Borders that would be markers of culture and identity, valuable but easily crossed, rather than legal borders designed to keep our national identities rigid and ready for conflict and war, separating us from others”?

Resources by Selected Authors

Resources by Selected Authors

For Further Acton - Ways to Help

There are different ways that we can help refugees including our time, donations, and contacting our politicians to affect policy. The following organizations work with refugees and provide opportunities to volunteer and help support our refugee communities.