The Pearl, November 2015 (Vol.14)PDF
This Issue includes the following titles:
Ten Pints Presents Swagr Twizm: Dropping the Beat By Hideo Daikoku
Arutor O'Farrill and The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra By Cai May Tan
Boorito: The Issue of Privilege By Samie Steed
Understanding Nikki's Vision Interview with Nikki Inamine By Gayla Jekova
Political Survey: Soka's Liberalism By Alex Fell
Student Profile on Joel Johnson By Katarina Hou and Linda Toch
Response: Defining the word Ally By Drake Alvarez-Cates, Reece Lindenmayer and Kyle Mowrer
Opinion: Opinions on Social Divide By Valerie O'Connor
Opinion: Discriminatory Policies of SUA By Eduardo Escobedo
The Plight of the Angry White Hipster By Linda Toch and Emmy Luu
Take it Lightly Poetry By Reece Lindenmayer
Malaysia's Struggle By Cai May Tan
Los 43 By Vanesa Hernandez-Rodriguez
The Trial by Franz Kafka By Esat Tunagur
Happy Case By Harrison Preusse
The Visit By Emmy Luu
Type 1 Diabetes By Katrina Hou
The Terrifying Impact of Ebola By Dominique Ongaro
Blue Lava By Dominique Ongaro
My Summer in Sacramento By Vanesa Hernandez-Rodriguez
Photo Blog: Philippines in the Summer By Alaska Tan