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Soka Education & Written Works by Founders: Soka Edu. Conference Proceedings

Resources by Soka Education Founders Makiguchi, Toda, and Ikeda. Resources by other scholars are also included.

Conference Proceedings

The contents of the papers included in these volumes do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Soka Education Student Research Project, the members of the Soka Education Conference Committee, or Soka University of America. The papers were selected by blind submission and based on a one page proposal.

Unless otherwise indicated, the copyrights are equally shared between the author and the SESRP and articles may be distributed with consent of either part. For permission to copy a part of or the entire volume with the use of the title, SESRP must have given approval.
The Soka Education Student Research Project is an autonomous organization at Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, California.