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About Us: Collections

General information about the Ikeda Library

Library Collections Overview (# of titles)

Available resources created by SUA guest speakers.

Circulating (3rd Floor) and Reference Collection (2nd Floor)

The materials in the Circulating and Reference Collections are chosen according to their relevance to the curricula of the courses taught at Soka University of America. The highest priority is given to materials that best support the programs offered at SUA, and faculty input and suggestions play an integral role in the continued development of these collections. 

Circulating materials = checkout for 90 days

  • Renewal period = 28 days; Maximum of 3 renewals

Reference materials = in library use only, exceptions may be made with prior approval from library staff

Released Capstones & Theses

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect student educational records from being made public. Soka University of America (SUA), in compliance with FERPA, requires student consent before disclosing any non-directory student information. Only the released capstones and theses are made available by Ikeda Library. SUA students are given the option to release their work for viewing at the time of submission.

SUA acknowledges that students, as the authors of their capstones or theses, retain all intellectual property rights, including copyright ownership. Except for what is permitted under fair use (Title 17 Section 107 United States Code), readers of the released capstones and theses may not reproduce, post, or distribute them in any physical or electronic form without the permission of the students, the copyright owners.
The authors of the released capstones or theses may request that the library remove their work from the collection by emailing

Young Adult Collection (1st Floor)

The Young Adult Collection contains a variety of books on a number of topics, generally at a secondary school reading level. The titles in this collection include reference books and illustrated guides as well as popular or award-winning fiction.  Students can use the titles in this collection as starting points for research projects on topics in the Social Sciences or Humanities, or as support materials to help build reading speed, comprehension, and cultural knowledge.  

Checkout period = 90 days

Renewal period = 28 days; Maximum of 3 renewals

Children's Collection (1st Floor)

The Children’s Collection contains classic, popular, and award-winning children’s books at an elementary reading level. 

Checkout period = 90 days

Renewal period = 28 days; Maximum of 3 renewals

Media Collection (DVD, VHS, and CD)

The Media Collection includes works, both visual and audio, on topics and from genres pertinent to Soka University of America’s courses in the Environmental Studies, Humanities, International Studies, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Educational Leadership concentrations. Materials are also chosen that align with the university’s General Education and Foreign Language and Culture Program’s curricula.  A preference is given to titles that are interdisciplinary in nature and projected to be used frequently. Titles that present distinctive social, political, historical, or economic themes or viewpoints are also actively collected. 

Checkout period = 14 days

Renewal period = 7 days; Maximum of 3 renewals

Databases & E-journal Packages

The library subscribes to a number of databases and online services, offering the SUA community easy access to peer-reviewed journals and a large selection of electronic books. Ikeda Library actively updates these collections and offers instruction in optimizing their use.

Foreign Language Collection (1st Floor)

The Foreign Language Collection is where students, staff, or faculty of the university can find the library’s holdings of fiction books written in one of the four languages taught at Soka University of America: Chinese, French, Japanese, and Spanish. The books are shelved according to language and include literary classics and popular novels. The titles at elementary or secondary reading levels are color coded to help language learners chose the right book for them.  This collection is added to regularly.

Checkout period = 90 days

Renewal period = 28 days; Maximum of 3 renewals

Archive Collection (1st Floor)

The Archive Collection contains materials related to Soka University of America and its students, staff, and faculty. The collection is being actively developed and expanded by the library and includes artifacts such as commencement speeches and videos, yearbooks, student newspapers, course catalogs, works published by SUA employees, and other materials which may have historical significance. These materials are for library use only. Please speak to a librarian about accessing these materials. 

Founders' Collection (1st Floor)

The Founders’ Collection contains books written by the founders of Soka Education: Tsunesaburō Makiguchi, Jōsei Toda, and Daisaku Ikeda. The collection includes older works and newer titles, as well as editions translated into English or other languages. Titles by the founders are actively added to this collection.

Checkout period = 90 days

Renewal period = 28 days; Maximum of 3 renewals

Ikeda Collection (1st Floor)

The Ikeda Collection contains books on the Social Sciences donated to Ikeda Library by our founder, Daisaku Ikeda, in 2001. The collection originally contained 3,000 books and grew to 4,000 with a second donation in 2002. The majority of the titles are in Japanese and written by recognized scholars, educators, and intellectuals in their respective fields. Most of the titles in the collection are available for check out, but those that have been identified as fragile are kept in the Special Collection room.

Checkout period = 90 days

Renewal period = 28 days; Maximum of 3 renewals

Restricted items = in-house use only for 1 hour with ID