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Indigenous America: Literature

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Good Reads

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Super Stars of Native Literature

Sherman Alexie – Spokane/Coeur d'Alene Indian -  Lives in Seattle - Received National Book Award in 2007 – Known for his sense of humor and his focus on present day Indians, not history

The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven, LC# PS3551.L35774 L66 1994

Reservation blues, LC# PS3551.L35774 R74 1995b

Indian killer LC# PS3551.L35774 I56 1998

The toughest Indian in the world, LC# PS3551.L35774 T68 2000b

Ten Little Indians: Stories, LC# PS3551.L35774 T46 2004

The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian, LC# PZ7.A382 Ab 2007

Flight: a novel LC# PS3551.L35774 F57 2007 

War Dances, LC# PS3551.L35774 W37 2009 

Blasphemy: new and selected stories LC#  PS3551.L35774 B53 2012


The business of fancydancing : stories and poems LC# PS3551.L35774 B87 1991

Old shirts & new skins LC# PS3551.L35774 O43 1993

The summer of black widows LC# PS3551.L35774 S86 1996

One stick song LC# PS3551.L35774 O53 2000

Face LC# PS3551.L35774 F33 2009  

Louise Erdrich - Ojibwa – Runs Birchbark Books in Minneapolis – Won the 1984 National Book Critics Circle Award for fiction - Established Native American Studies department at Dartmouth College - Prolific writer, often exploring the mixed blood person’s experience

The antelope wife LC# PS3555.R42 A8 1998b

 Love Medicine LC# PS3555.R42 L6 2005

 Tracks LC#PS3555.R42 T73 2004

Four souls: a novel LC# PS3555.R42 F68 2004

The painted drum LC# PS3555.R42 P35 2005

 The Bingo Palace LC#PS3555.R42 B5 2006,

The beet queen: a novel LC# PS3555.R42 B4 2006

Plague of dove LC# PS3555.R42 P55 2008

The last report on the miracles at Little No Horse: a novel LC#  PS3555.R38 L349 2009

Shadow tag LC# PS3555.R42 S53 2010

Super Stars of Native Literature

Linda Hogan - Chickasaw - She has taught at the University of Minnesota and the University of Colorado – She received the Guggenheim Award - Known for her poetry and spotlighting women and the environment in her workMean spirit, LC# PS3558.O34726 M4 1992   

Solar storms: a novel LC#PS3558.O34726 S58 1995 

Power LC# PS3558.O34726 P6 1998  

The woman who watches over the world: a native memoir LC# PS3558.O34726 Z47 2002

 People of the whale: a novel LC# PS3558.O34726 P46 2008


The book of medicines: poems LC# PS3558.O34726 B66 1993

Rounding the human corners: poems LC# PS3558.O34726 R68 2008

Thomas King - Cherokee - Currently Chair of American Indian Studies, University of Minnesota - Known for his satire of stereotypes of all kinds

Green Grass, Running Water LC# PR9199.3.K4422 G7 1994

Truth and Bright Water LC# PR9199.3.K4422 T78 2000 

One good story, that one: stories LC# PR9199.3.K4422 O54 2000

The truth about stories: a native narrative LC PR9199.3.K4422 Z477 2005

Medicine River LC# PR9199.3.K4422 .M4 2006

The back of the turtle: a novel LC# PR9199.3.K4422 B33 2014

Super Stars of Native Literature

Leslie Silko - Laguna Pueblo - Recipient of the Genius Grant - key figure in the second wave of Native American Renaissance

Storyteller LC# PS3569.I44 S8 1981bx

Ceremony LC# PS3569.I44 C4 1986 

Almanac of the Dead LC# PS3569.I44 A79 1991

Yellow woman and a beauty of the spirit: essays on Native American life today LC# E59.P45 S55 1996

Gardens in the Dunes LC#PS3569.I44 G37 2000

Conversations with Leslie Marmon Silko LC# PS3569.I44 Z888 2000

Scott Momaday - Kiowa and Cherokee - Lives in Tucson - Was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction – Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Stanford University, the University of Arizona, University of California at Santa Barbara and Berkeley

The way to Rainy Mountain LC# E99.K5 M64 1976

The ancient child: a novel, LC# PS3563.O47 A78 1990   

 House made of dawn, LC# PS3563.O47 H6 1999     

 In the presence of the sun: stories and poems, 1961-1991, LC# PS3563.O47 I5 1993

The man made of words: essays, stories, passages LC# PS3563.O47 M66 1998

Circle of wonder: a Native American Christmas story LC# PZ7.M7355 Ci 1999

The journey of Tai-me LC# E99.K5 M6 2009