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Archives: Messages from the Founder: Commencement Ceremony

Messages from the Founder Daisaku Ikeda to the SUA Community

About Commencement Ceremony items:

Founder Daisaku Ikeda presented messages addressing Soka University of America for commencement ceremonies from the inception of Soka University at it's Calabasas campus and it's current home in Aliso Viejo. Subsequent messages were written by Founder Ikeda and delivered to Soka University of America in advance.

Commencement messages delivered to graduating classes are delivered in English. The Japanese versions have since been published in the Japanese newspaper, "Seikyo Shimbun." The Archives are adding messages as we collect them. 

The commencement messages are organized by year. Prior to 2005, commencement messages were addressed primarily to Graduate School graduates. Messages in Japanese will be denoted with " (Japanese)." 

If you find any problems, or have any questions, please email:

Calabasas Campus

Aliso Viejo Campus