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Accessibility at Ikeda Library: Additional Resources

Services for Patrons with Disabilities at Ikeda Library

University Resources

University Resources

SUA Disability Services 

"Our commitment is to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations to otherwise qualified students with special needs. “ -- Disability Services 

SUA Student Health Services 

“Soka’s Health Services Clinic provides outpatient services to help students maintain optimal health. A California-licensed medical practitioner will provide medical services when you are ill and provide preventive health services when you are well.” –From Student Health Services 

SUA Counseling Services 

Soka provides on-campus counseling free to students. Please follow the linked title for contact information to set-up an appointment.  

External Resources

External Resources

Americans with Disabilities Act: Information and Technical Assistance 

The official information and support page for the ADA. 

Disability Rights California 

“A nonprofit legal services organization founded in 1978 that advocates, educates, investigates and litigates to advance the rights, dignity, equal opportunities, and choices for all people with disabilities.” --DRC 

AHEAD: Association on Higher Education and Disability 

“The leading professional membership association for individuals committed to equity for persons with disabilities in higher education, representing all 50 states and over 10 countries.” -- AHEAD  

NCCSD: National Center for College Students with Disabilities 

“A federally-funded project under the U.S. Department of Education for college students with any type disability, chronic health condition, or mental or emotional illness” (NCCSD). You can find free information from the Clearinghouse, contact for support, find research and reports on campus climates or employment, and take trainings. NCCSD is based with AHEAD. 

DREAM: Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring 

“A national organization for and by college students with disabilities, sponsored NCCSD. DREAM strongly advocates for disability culture, community, and pride, and hope to serve as an online virtual disability cultural center for students who want to connect with other students.” -- DREAM 

National Center on Accessible Educational Materials 

"Accessible educational materials, or AEM, are materials and technologies usable for learning across the widest range of individual variability, regardless of format or features. Whether a material or technology is designed from the start to be accessible for all learners or is made accessible for learners with disabilities, it is considered AEM."  

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness 

"The nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness." 

Disability Visibility Project 

“An online community dedicated to creating, sharing, and amplifying disability media and culture.”