Ikeda Library has many eBooks in the collection. We continuously purchase eBook titles that fall within our collection scope and maintain subscriptions to several eBook databases. All of the eBooks are multi-user, meaning that they are always available for checkout. You can search for eBooks in the library catalog using the catalog widget below.
The eBooks will be available to read online in any of our databases online reader windows. However, in order to read them offline on your device, you will need to download the free Adobe Digital Editions program. Follow these step-by-step instructions on how to download the program and read eBooks on your device.
Can I print pages from an eBook?
Yes. Printing pages from an eBook that we license at the library falls under educational Fair Use of copyrighted material. When you open an eBook in the online reader, you will see an option to print pages. Simply follow the prompts to select specific pages or chapters to print or save as a PDF to your device. The host site will let you know when you have reached the maximum amount of pages allowed to you under Copyright.
What is to prevent anyone from sending this PDF file to someone else?
The publishers are trusting that the library patrons are adhering to their terms of uses and following the copyright law. This not only applies to the eBook chapters, but journal articles which are also downloadable in PDF files. Many publishers put a copyright restriction or watermark in their PDF files.
In general, sharing these resources with colleagues, students, and peers within our campus community via email or Brightspace is fine. The library is licensing, paying extra, for unlimited uses of our online resources for the SUA-authorized users. Uploading files to a site that’s accessible to anyone outside of the SUA community would be problematic as this falls outside of Ikeda Library and its patrons' terms of use.